Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Thursday

PLaying along with Murdocks momma on a little fill in the blanks for Thursday, check her out at

Outside my window..I see Trees Blowing the wind :-)
The time is..about Noon
Today I feel..anxious for my exam tonight
I am thinking..getting through this exam
At the moment, I am thankful..that I have people in my life who truly care about me
I am ace my exam :)
I am favorite pair of ae jeans, a striped shirt and hot rollers in my hair lol
I wish..summer was here
I am reading..all my blogs of course and a book called Torch by Cheryl Strayed
I am working on..myself inside and out
I am hoping..Gracelynne gets the okay to take the splint off tomorrow
I am hearing..Noah talking and bugs life playing in the background
Around the house..looks like a mini toy store
I bet you didn't know..I have a big exam tonight ;)
One of my favorite..foods is sushi :p


  1. I hope your exam goes well tonight...hope it isn't with the uptight professor!! :)

  2. Thanks, it did go very well. The professor isn't too bad. I can't wait to find out my grade!

  3. That is the part that kills me! I used to LOVE the teachers that let us run our answer sheet through the machine so we could get our scores right away! :)
