Fun play along questions from in style
Morning perk...Coffee preferably starbucks white mocha!
Fall fetish...Glade oil candles the new fall scents are AMAZING!
Guilty Pleasure...Jersey Shores...ugh did I admit to that aloud!?!
Gametime...Noah has a big thing for baseball, I always get to be the pitcher :-)
Signature Scent...I own far too many perfumes, but my new favorite and go to scent for now is True by Faith Hill, best part it was $24 at Kohls. Love it.
Just saw...The season premiere of Greys Anatomy and boy was it good!
"If I ever get out of here, I'm having my eyes lasered."
Workout... Not enough unless house remodeling counts?
Favorite happy hour...hmmm let me think about that one, probably two dollar tuesday at dutch bros hehe
New hobby...Crotcheting im making a blanket (I swear im going to finish it) and Im really far its for the new addition
Dream vacation...Staying at paradise island in the bahamas!